List of Simple and Fun Name Activities – Learning to read your name is one of the first words your child will learn to read. Here are some fun and simple ways to introduce your child to recognising their name and the letters that make up their name.
These activities below are a list of the activities we have completed so far here on Learning 4 Kids and will be adding more really soon.
These Name Activities can also be adapted and used for other activities such as, shapes, numbers, words, pictures, alphabet letters or even drawings.
Dot Painting

Dot Painting Name Activity is a fun and simple way to introduce your child to recognising their name and the letters that make up their name. It is also progressing towards forming and writing the letters in their name and developing fine motor control.
The activity involves dipping Cotton Buds (Q-Tips) in to paint and printing them onto the pencil-line letters on a piece of paper. Read more…
Light Table Transparent Counters

Placing transparent tokens onto the letter lines on a light table is so motivating and fun for children to learn about their name.
The activity involves writing the letters of the child’s name with a whiteboard marker (wipes off) onto the light table and using transparent tokens to create their name following the letter lines. Read more…
Writing on the Light Table

Much light the transparent tokens on the light table, writing your name on a light table is very motivating for children to have a go at writingtheir name. Using a white board marker makes it easy to rub off and try again. The light table provides a fun alternative to paper and pencils which may intice the reluctant writer.
If you are concerned about drawing on the light table with a white board marker pen, place a clear laminated sheet or wax paper on the light table first to protect the glass. Read more…
Pompom Name Collage

Making a Name Collage using pom poms is an activity that will help your child become interested in their name and the letters that make up their name. You could complete this activity with a number of other craft items such as stickers, string, pipe cleaners and so on. Read more…
Bubble Wrap Name Printing

Bubble Wrapped Blocks are also a great learning tool for children learning their name. Children can print and trace over faint pencil lines of the letters in their name with the bubble wrapped painted blocks. Read more…
Rainbow Salt Tray

Why would you need crayons, textas, pencils and paper to draw when you can have more fun with a Rainbow Salt Tray! It provides a motivating alternative tool for having a go at writing their name. Read more…
Sensory Squishy Bag

Sensory Squishy bags provide another motivating surface to create letters in your child’s name. You will also have lots of fun making them! Read more…
Tips and Ideas:
- When your child is trying to write their name, encourage good finger grip.
- As you child writes each letter, provide repetitive language such as, straight line, over and around.
- Encourage the correct letter formation – start in the correct position for writing that letter. Use language such as, start at the top or start in the middle, etc.
- Provide praise and mention the positive things your child is doing.
Click here for more FINE MOTOR activities & play ideas
So many great ideas here. Lots of fun too! I also love the look of the activity tray you have in your shop!
Oh, I love my activity tray too and use it everyday. It is so easy to throw everything on it at the end of an activity when I can’t be bothered to pack away properly or I am in a rush. Thank you for your comment Debs 🙂