…..round and fat with a cherry on the top!
This is one of my favourite children’s songs, known as 10 Current Buns; I have altered the words Current Buns to Mini Cupcakes to fit in with our Mini cupcake props.
These mini cupcakes were made previously and they are great for an imaginative play prop. We incorporated the song 10 Mini Cupcakes and role played the actions on cue with the words.
Kids love to take on different roles, dress up and pretend in an imaginary world. So much fun!
Taking on the different roles and dressing up as little bakers and customers. Using imaginative play props such as an apron, chef’s hat, tongs for lifting the cupcakes, a handbag for the customer, cash register and bottles tops for pretend coins.
Let’s Play
10 mini cupcakes in a baker’s shop
Round and fat with a cherry on the top
Along comes Miss 5 (your child’s name) with a dollar one day
Bought a mini cupcake and took it away.
Let’s Pretend
Miss 3 counting how many are left after taking 1 away?
Let’s Learn
Bakers Shop is a wonderful imaginative play opportunity to promote:
- Mathematic concepts and problem solving: understanding subtraction and how many is left.
- Social skills: taking in turns, sharing and negotiation.
- Language skills: practising listening, looking and talking.
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Creative Play – Making Mini Cupcakes
Ive just found your blog through Its playtimeLink. I love the Baker Shop role play. We played at shop today and I often try to include songs into our play, Im definately going to give this version a go.
I love this. Miss Possum loves baking and pretends to bake cupcakes all the time. I’ll bookmarking this for a rainy day!
so cute and what way to play and learn some basic math! My daughter would love making those mini cupcakes. I am going to save some tops! thanks for the idea.
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