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Bottle Top & Bubbles Bath Play

Bath activity ideas for kids and toddlers

We have found another way of using our bottle tops – IN THE BATH!

It is a simple unstructured and fun sensory play idea using water, bubbles and bottle tops.

It was wonderful to see the creativity, imagination and fun happen just by adding bottle tops and bubble bath to the tub.

Here are some of the creative things the kids came up with:

The bottle top lids were used as a bowl for serving bubble bath food for imaginary friends in a restaurant.  Gathering and scooping all the bubbles and putting it into the bottle tops.

We have so many bottle tops that the kids were able to stand them up all around the bath tiles.

The bottle tops were used for making patterns and sticking them up onto the tiles.  With a little bit of patience, the bottle tops did suction slightly to the wet tiles.

We discovered that bottle tops float and do not sink creating an discussion about this.

Bottle tops in bath encourages many learning benefits:

  • Building up their fine motor skills and coordination
  • Encourages imagination and creativity
  • Developing an understanding and awareness of floating and sinking
  • Developing and creating patterns
  • Language development- experimenting with language and trying new words.
  • Self-esteem: sensory play offers kids the opportunity for self-expression because there is no right answer and children feel safe to change or experiment with what they are doing.

For More Bottle Top Activities <CLICK HERE>

8 thoughts on “Bottle Top & Bubbles Bath Play”

    1. You will be surprised at how quickly these bottle top accumulate Katie. We literally have 100s of them, as I can’t bare to throw one in the bin…. haha! Have fun!!

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Hi and welcome to Learning 4 Kids!

My name is Janice and I am an Early Childhood Teacher in Australia.

I have a strong passion and love for teaching and creating meaningful learning experiences for my students. What I love most is watching children discover in those amazing light bulb moments. I hope Learning4kids brings you some useful ideas.

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