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PetraLingua – Online Languages for Children

Come along and meet ‘Woofy’, sing a long, be surprised, play and learn a second language whilst having fun.  The benefits are astounding for kids!
Let me introduce you to PetraLingua, specially designed multimedia online language lessons for kids age 3 – 10 years.  The courses are designed to teach the basics of English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese!
Try out the FREE lesson previews by clicking here.  Discount code: petralingua_welcome for learning4kids readers!
My two eldest girls have been playing with PetraLingua’s lessons and learning some basic French.  We have a gorgeous friend who comes from France, so my kids are super excited about showing off their new words they have learned to her. The lessons instantly grabbed Miss 4 and 5’s attention as there are so many interesting things happening and the excitement of seeing what is coming next!  It is a bright, colourful and cheerful program which makes it an enjoyable learning experience for kids!
The benefits of PetraLingua online languages for kids:
Arouses Curiosity
Children have a natural curiosity to learn and PetraLingua has cleverly developed these amazing interactive lessons with this curiosity in mind.  The lessons involve visually stimulating videos, stories, games, songs, interesting characters, fun and humour.  There is a magic ball which really grabbed Miss 4’s attention as she waits with anticipation to see what is inside!
Easy to Navigate
The PetraLingua website is incredibly easy for kids to navigate and myself!  Miss 4 and 5 had no trouble finding their way around the site from lesson to lesson.  All lessons are well supported with visual graphics/pictures and audio prompts to help children follow the pathway through their lessons.
A Great Learning Resource
The PetraLingua lessons are designed using a number of strategies and techniques that cater for a vast array of learning styles.  Not all children learn through one main stimulus, they best learn through a number of learning experiences or one that suits them personally.  For example, within the PetraLingua lessons children have access to an Audio Picture Dictionary which supports learning alongside the interactive videos and exercises.  The audio dictionary focuses more on repetition and memorizing the spoken word and is an effective tool to support learning using other strategies. Miss 4 and 5 spent many times pressing the play button and listening to hear the word spoken in French and practising it which the correct pronunciation and even sometimes giggling when they didn’t quit get the right pronunciation or if the new word sounded funny.
I found this feature to be a great resource to support the learning that had already been done from the lessons.
Great Range of Topics that Children Relate to
The PetraLingua lessons cover a large range of topics from friends, family, colours, alphabet letters, counting and a child’s bedroom.  Most of these topics relate to children’s lives, to things that are relevant and familiar to their world.  This is important for generating an interest and motivation for learning new things.
Technology in Mind
Technology and the internet play a huge part in our children’s lives – both at home and at school.  The PetraLingua lessons cater for this making it so much easier to access these great lessons without needing to attend expensive classes.  The PetraLingua programs would also make a great support resource for children and or adults who are studying other languages.    The program also works on iPad, iPhone, Android Tablets and other phones, making them a fabulous learning toy that is mobile.
Builds Self-esteem
The PetraLingua courses promote positive and achievable lessons for kids.  At the end of each lesson, children are applauded for their efforts, encouraging a sense of pride and achievement whilst having FUN!
“Imagine the possibilities of learning a new language.”
 Woofy the friendly mascot that guides children through the lessons – my girls just loved him!
Head over and take a look at PetraLingua’s fabulous language programs for kids and try out their free previews!
Giveaway for Learning4kids readers:
The gorgeous people at PetraLingua are giving away three FREE, one month subscriptions for a language of your choice.
If you are keen to start learning now then PetraLingua is also offering a 15% discount for subscriptions to all readers of learning4kids.  The promotional code is petralingua_welcome
To enter-
1.      You will need to answer the following question: “What would be your preferred language to learn?” 
2.      Submit your answer in the comments box here on learning4kids at the top near the heading of this post.
This competition has now closed – thank you to all those who participated!
Learning 4 kids

5 thoughts on “PetraLingua – Online Languages for Children”

  1. When I first saw this, I thought that my 3 year old would have a hard time navigating the site, but it does look easy to figure out. And you’re so right that children have a natural curiosity to learn. But to pick just one language?! Because I’m in California and my daughters are obsessed with Dora the Explorer, I’ll go with Spanish. thanks for the generous giveaway.

  2. I would love my girls to learn another language espceially while their minds are still like sponges. If I had to pick one language I would have to pick french so when I eventually win a prize holiday to disneyland paris (in my dreams) then they can do all the talking for us hehehehehe.

  3. Hey Janice! What a great resource for kids. Young kids are so adaptable to languages. We hope that my little ones will grasp Spanish easily so that when we visit their Abuelito in Ecuador, they’ll be at least be able to say hi!


  4. I am doing a review in the German language. I am an adult but need to start again the beginning and have fun while doing it. Age always matters.

    i can’t afford to pay for the year at the moment may be in the summer.

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My name is Janice and I am an Early Childhood Teacher in Australia.

I have a strong passion and love for teaching and creating meaningful learning experiences for my students. What I love most is watching children discover in those amazing light bulb moments. I hope Learning4kids brings you some useful ideas.

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