Cardboard tubes are a great addition for playing with play dough. The creativity and imagination is endless with this invitation to play.
Play dough is a great sensory toy for kids and is one of the many great props we can offer them to promote play in an unstructured way. It provides an opportunity for many learning experiences such as problem solving and imaginative play but mostly it is known as an excellent tool for developing fine motor skills.
What you will need?
For this play opportunity I have provided two main items, play dough and cardboard tubes. My kids later (and their play date buddy) added empty yoghurt containers and then toy cars.
I have a dedicated shelve in my pantry for all the cardboards boxes and recyclables, my kids will often help themselves to these things to add to their games and activities.
You will find a simple play dough recipe and instructions here: How to Make Play Dough?
Let’s Play
Construction: we made cardboard tube tunnels to roll balls of play dough down. Miss 20 months loved repeatedly rolling the play dough balls down the tubes saying ‘weeee’ and ‘yay’ when they came out the other side.
Let’s Explore
Playing with play dough can also provide kids with opportunities to practise their problem solving skills when faced with a challenge. Miss 4 used the cardboard tubes (toilet rolls) as a cookie cutter but had trouble getting the play dough circle out without breaking the circle shape. She ended up using a narrower cardboard tube to push through the toilet roll tube which pushed the stuck play dough out.
Let’s Learn
Play dough promotes imaginative play: Miss 4 and her play date buddy ended up playing with toy cars and pretending they were lifting heavy rocks and bricks.
If you would like to read more about imaginative play and how to encourage it click on the image:
What is Imaginative Play and How to Encourage it?
The importance of playing with play dough:
Play dough provides many wonderful learning opportunities but is very well known for building fine motor skills. Play dough is a great tool to build and develop strength and control in the hands, fingers and wrists. This strength and control supports the use of writing tools, scissors and the ability to throw and catch objects.
Playing with play dough and the repetitive moulding and manipulating it gives fine motor muscles a real work out!!
That’s wonderful! And you know, I had this EXACT activity planned for my kids today! haha, great minds
Playdough balls rolled down cardboard tubes looks like so much fun.
I work with kids and your activities are such inspirations to me. I like your activities. Keep up the good job ! 🙂 Your furniture and equipments are age-appropriate and very attractive 😀
Love every single activity of your website!! 🙂
Can you tell me more about the green and blue table? Is it something you purchased or made?
Hi Melanie, yes the green and blue table is originally a table that comes with a wooden train set. I flip the board over which exposes the green side and we use it as a craft/play table. When my girls want to play with the train set then I turn the board back again. I absolutely love this table and think it would have to be one of the best investments I have made with any of our other kid’s furniture we have purchased. I love the sides of the table because it keeps most of the mess on the table 🙂
I purchased the table here –> http://www.dealsdirect.com.au/wooden-train-set-play-table-80pc/ Hope this helps 🙂
Ooh, I love this! I like giving my kids things to play with their play dough, but I never thought of cardboard tubes. Thanks for the idea!