The Numbers Theme Playroom Ideas was inspired and motivated by the current interests of my kids. I feel it is important to follow their lead in what they are interested in and want to learn more about, then cdevelop learning experiences to explore this further with them.
Miss 5 is very keen on maths sums at the moment, addition and subtraction and my little Miss 21months is very interested in counting. So while my kids have been on school holidays I have followed their curiosity with numbers and brought it into their playroom with some fun games and activities.
Some of the changes to our playroom included a bit of a shift around and filling the room with number related resources, books, activities, games and environmental print.
Useful link: What is Environmental Print and it’s Importance for Learning?
Our reading/quiet corner with number books displayed on book stands and in the book shelf. There are also number puzzles on the shelf for the kids to play with on the space provided on the floor mat. QToys have some fabulous number puzzles!
Useful Links: Number Tree Display
We have divided our room using the solid book shelves with the quiet/reading area on one side and another area for playing with toys on the shelves and in the clear boxes stacked to the side such as blocks, marble run and musical instruments box. My Little Miss 21 months loves playing with the marble run and piggy bank at the moment.
Opposite this area is another area set up to encourage imaginative play, it has become a bakery for the last 2 weeks with a baker selling food through the windows – a bit like a drive through.
The storage shelves with trays have all sorts of bits and bobs of toys that really don’t belong anywhere, there are toys cars, threading beads, some dolls clothes and puppets. This shelving has also been used as a room divider and is great for getting the toys off the floor and a perfect height for the littlies!
Useful Links: What is Imaginative Play and How to Encourage it?
In another corner of the room I have set up a table for drawing and some number games and activities, there is also the felt board with a numbers chart.
In the pink boxes positioned on the wall are large pop sticks with number stickers on them and Miss 5 would pull out 2 pop sticks and add them together writing the sum and answer on her magna doodle. Kids love Magana doodles and it is so much more fun than paper and pencil. Miss 4 is also doing simple number sums but on the felt board using the numbers chart and bottle tops as a concrete aid to assist her.
Useful Links: DIY Felt Boards
Our little art and craft storage corner and we use the back of our playroom doors for displaying some of the art work done at home and school.
I would love to hear some of your fabulous ideas!!
This is a fantastic idea Janice. I never even thought of segmenting our playroom (and it’s big enough to). I love that the children took ownership of their space too. I might just have to sit down with Miss Possum and rethink our space. Great post and such wonderful photos of the playroom!
Oooh Penny you must share some photos. You have an awesome playroom……I remember your post about turning it into under water world – so much fun! xx
What a fabulous playroom! I look forward to my kids being old enough to have the one big playroom downstairs instead of everything being spread house wide at the moment 🙂 Pinning this to use as inspiration. Debs 🙂
That is awesome. My kids would be in love with a space like that, how fortunate and clever.
Thank you Mandy for stopping by! I hope to run classes one day for 3 and 4 years from our playroom so this is step one towards a dream. xxx
Bravo ! Je ne parle pas anglais, je traduis votre page et j’adore votre façon d’aménager les lieux !
Je suis institutrice (2 – 3 ans)en Belgique , j’ai 27 petits et j’adore comme vous changer les aménagements, pour qu’ils redécouvre l’espace et …en gagner !!!!
J’ai puisé quelques idées ! Merci pour le partage.
I love your ideas and am gonaa use some of them if not all. 🙂
Thank you Lubna, have fun! 🙂