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How to make a Foaming Monster?

Today I am very excited to share a guest post with you, Debbie from Aspiring Mum.  Be sure to visit her fabulous blog where she writes about her journey of motherhood, kids’ activities, family ideas and so much more.

How to make a foaming monster

With four kids (ages 3, 5, 7 & 9), it can often be difficult to find an activity that caters for their different ages – and more to the point, one that they enjoy doing together.

Anything messy or a little out-of-the-ordinary is usually guaranteed success. We had a winner recently when we made a foaming monster using bicarb soda and vinegar. And needless to say, the kids were in awe as they watched the reaction caused when the two substances were mixed.

To make a foaming monster you will need

Coloured card or paper



Sticky tape

Small plastic bottle


Food dye

Dish liquid

Bicarbonate of soda

A tray

What to do:

Fold the card/paper in half and draw a monster’s tail, an arm and a leg.

Cut them out (You will only need one tail.)

Tape the tail, the arms and legs on to the bottle.

(You can draw or glue eyes on to the bottle if you wish.)

Put the bottle on the tray.

Add some food dye to the bottle.

Half-fill the bottle with vinegar.

Add a squirt of dish-liquid and mix.

Pour a heaped teaspoon of bicarb soda into the bottle.

Let’s Play

How to make a foaming monster

Watch the foam come out of the monster’s mouth! (This activity is best done outside as it can be quite messy!)

My kids were full of questions – Why does it bubble? The reaction between the vinegar and bicarb soda makes carbon dioxide, which causes tiny bubbles to form.  Why does it come out its mouth? The dish liquid mixed with the vinegar/bicarb combination causes a reaction that makes the foam pour out of the monster’s mouth.

This is a great activity for kids of all ages, and also such a fun way to incorporate a bit of science into some everyday play.

Debbie is a mum to 4 wonderful kids who constantly inspire her to take off her serious adult glasses and see things from their perspective. She is a beach-lover. Getting-there runner. Coffee lover. And PND overcomer. She writes at Aspiring Mum – a place to find inspiration and encouragement on the journey of motherhood. You can find her on Facebook and occasionally on Twitter.

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