You may be familiar with our posts about our play room and how we set it up and change it around to keep the kids interested and motivated. On our previous ‘Our Play Room’ posts I have discussed creating different zones for individual activities. This time, I was keen for a bit of a change and decided to move our play room around and push all our furniture and toys to the walls leaving a large open space in the middle. I am very interested to see what creative play ideas and games the kids come up with, with this arrangement.
You will also notice a lot of kid’s artwork on the walls, these are from our Learning Colours Series and is our way of reinforcing and continuing the learning that has already taken place with these craft activities.
Our reading corner is a place for the kids to relax, read books and enjoy some quieter activities. The sunflowers on the wall were made from our Learning Colours Series: Yellow and we have a free printable and all instruction available by clicking here.
Pretend play kitchen, storage containers filled with puzzles, threading beads and other toys. Dolls house book shelf and a table and chairs at the centre of the room. The number charts are homemade, for full instructions click here.
I love our cube book shelf! It is great for keeping toys off the floor and we also have fabric tubs that slide and fit easily into the cubes.
The magnetic side of our easel has been set up this time with paper available on the shelf nearby and pencils and crayons set up in small cups. I have also placed a tub of magnetic letters, numbers and games nearby for a change of activity for the kids.
Our craft storage cube shelving. Don’t look too close it is need of a serious clean out!! 🙂 Baskets, jars, containers and fabric tubs are great for storing all those crafts supplies and hiding the mess!
I would love to hear and share you fabulous ideas!!
I love setting up play areas… i think i drive my family a bit nuts as i am always moving things around to create little spaces for the girls at home lol! Love your pics….and your storage is wonderful…very jealous here!!
Thanks for the fantastic inspiration Janice x
Love your playroom posts. I just found you and I’m not sure why I haven’t discovered you sooner as I’ve been doing a lot of research on setting up our playroom. We moved a few months ago and our formal living room is a dedicated playroom. I have sectioned it into zones, but I’m still struggling somewhat with the setup. We bought several Ikea Trofast units. I’m thinking we should add some of the other kinds of storage/display that you have too. Thoughts on what works or doesn’t work in terms of furniture? I have a 4 1/2 year old and a 2 year old (turning 2 on Saturday) – both girls. Currently, I have a reading nook, doll nursery/kitchen area, art studio area, and an area with an Ikea car/road mat. Thanks!!
Love your play room ideas….you will have to share some pics 🙂 All the furniture you have sounds amazing and it sounds like you have it all figured out in regards to a set up and creating zones. I think it can take time to have a play around with the set up but having a change is great too because it keeps the kids interested. I put some of our toys away in the cupboard and rotate them as well which influences the way we set up sometimes. Whenever I get stuck for ideas I ask my girls and I find that they come up with best ideas or get me thinking differently about the set up.
In our play room, I cannot go with out our storage shelves, love em!! They are great for creating zones and storage. Also I think storage boxes are great because they keep certain toys together and it helps the kids to have a place to put things away. I love how they hide the mess, lol! 🙂 I have another planned play room post here that I haven’t published yet which focuses more on storage and labeling, also on the storage of craft supplies etc. You have motivated me to get this written up 🙂
Have fun….I love playing around in the kids playroom!
I love these, we have a wonderful big play room for our little boys but i just haven’t got to it as i would like yet…must do it!
Hi, I have only just come across your website and I love it!!! I have just started Family Day Care and your page is very inspiring. I just have a question about your set up. How do you find the younger babies with all the puzzles, crayons etc that are in reach? I have two 1 years olds and they pull everything out – even every book off the book shelve and just throw it on the floor and then onto the next thing! haha. I am interested to see what ideas you have for when younger children are in care.