Create an opportunity for your child to take on the role as a pizza chef and play creatively as they pretend make different pizzas using felt pizza toppings and other props.
It is amazing the wonderful creative ideas they will come up with as my kids made several pizzas faces, patterns using different felt toppings provided.
The great thing about making a felt pizza and toppings is that it becomes a toy that can be played with over and over again. Our Felt Pizza is still played with on a regular basis and sits in the toy kitchen.
What you will need?
You will need a pizza box, cardboard, PVA craft glue, an array of coloured felt, pizza props such as tomatoe sauce bottle, spatula and food containers. You will also need the printable pizza toppings sheet as a guide or template for making the different food toppings.
To make the pizza base I measured and cut a circle out of cardboard and glued cream coloured felt onto the board. While I was waiting for this to dry, I cut out the different pizza toppings using the coloured felt sheets I had, tomatoe (red), pineapple and cheese (yellow), capsicum (green), ham (pink), mushrooms (brown), olives (black) and onion (white).
I also placed labels of the different pizza toppings on the bowls to encourage reading.
Click here to download and print: Printable Felt Pizza Toppings
Let’s Play
Pretending to squeeze on different flavoured sauces and using the spatular to spread the topping.
As my kids played I noticed that some of the pizza toppings made were sometimes random, others were placed more deliberately creating patterns. Miss 2 loved to sprinkle all the toppings on from a great height.
Let’s Learn
Other fun things you can create with a felt pizza, patterns and pizza faces! Note the red ribbon (tomatoe) in the hair of the pizza face, olives for eyes, mushroom nose with onion eye brows and smile and pineapple ears.
Learning Opportunities
- It provides opportunities for children to identify with the adult world. Practice and role play their understanding and interpretation.
- Develop social skills: practising negotiation skills, turn taking and sharing. Provides opportunities for working out problems and experimenting with solutions.
- Emotional development: Understanding and expressing their feelings through the re-enactment of certain experiences. Taking on roles that encourage discipline and empathy.
- Encourages imagination: Children can be anyone and do anything in the pretend world.
- Develop language skills: practicing listening, looking and talking. Being spoken to and talking with other people, also developing an understanding of what is being communicated through body language such as smiles and nodding.
- Creativity, exploring with space and shape.
Very cute idea!
A fantastic idea Janice…they look like so much fun, i have to make some for the girls…hmmm adding it to the list now…stop with all the good ideas!
Have you thought of all the people who will want to come to dinner before posting this?
I agree with Jode, almost too many good ideas!
What a cute idea. Miss Possum is so into cooking at the moment and wold love this. The best part is that felt is cheap to buy!
Hi, just letting you know I linked to this post over on my blog http://threefootcooks.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/cooking-and-play-felt-pizzas.html
Thanks for the great idea.