Bb is for Buttons, Brown Bear, Blue, and Bubble wrap!
The aim of these activities is to expose children to the letter Bb, identify what the letter Bb looks like and what sound it makes. It is to provide an opportunity to talk about the letter, make connections with spoken language and real life experiences.
Learning the letter sound first and then the letter name are important for reading and writing development.
Play Dough Teddy Bear

Roll, mould, press and create some fun characters with play dough and buttons using a teddy bear play dough mat. Make a Play Dough Teddy Bear is an inviting activity for kids to explore their imagination and experiment with the tools provided and make some amazing creations. It is an open-ended invitation to play that allows kids to explore freely with no expectations or right or wrong way of completing this activity.
Button Match

Letter Puzzle and Match is a great activity for fine motor development, control and concentration. It is also a great way to introduce the learning of the letter B. This activity involves placing buttons (B for buttons) onto the circles inside the shape of the letter Bb. Children become familiar and begin recognise the shape of the letter Bb. It is also a great opportunity to talk about how buttons start with Bb and the different letters, capital B or lower case b.
Printable Alphabet Letters A to Z Templates
Blue Bubble Wrap Printing Letter Bb

Bubble wrap painting with blue paint and gluing on buttons is a great activity to practice saying the ‘b’ sound out loud, say words that begin with that sound and also recognise what the letter Bb looks like.
To complete this activity, we printed off the Letter Bb Template, wrapped bubble wrap around the end of a soup spoon and placed a small blob of paint in a tray. The bubble wrap on the soup spoon provided a handle to hold when printing with the bubble wrapped end of the spoon. It doesn’t matter if the paint goes outside of the lines of the letter Bb because we later cut is out and glued it onto a sheet of card. We then glued on a few colourful buttons.
Mystery Bag Letter Sound Sort

The Letter Bb Mystery Bag is a bag full of objects found around the home that begin with the letter Bb. It also has a few objects that do not not begin with the letter Bb. The aim of the activity is to sort the objects into groups that begin with the letter Bb sound and which objects do not.
It requires a lot of talking, repetition and modelling from the parent or educator for children to understand the concept that words begin with the letter Bb sound and hear the difference when it does not.
Printable Letter Bb Sound Sorting Labels
Brown Bear Bubble Wrap Painting

Make a Brown Bear with Buttons is very similar to the Bubble Wrap Printing on the Letter Bb, where it provides an opportunity practice saying the ‘b’ sound out loud and say words that begin with that sound.
Let’s Learn
Learning Opportunities
- Letter recognition
- Oral language development – hearing the sound and saying it out loud.
- Development of fine motor skills
- Eye & hand coordination – watching and doing and coordinating these actions.
- Sensory- Development of the sense of touch. Feeling and manipulating objects.
- Learning alphabet letter name and letter sounds.
- Spatial awareness
- Creativity
- Identify and recognise Colours
- Mathematical concepts: counting, sorting, matching, and patterns
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Printable Alphabet Letter Tracing Mats

This is a great site!