ABC Reading Eggs is offering Learning4Kids readers an exclusive 4 week free trial of their multi-award winning online reading program for ages 3 to 13.
Learning to read is one of the most fundamental factors in achieving success in school and in later life. Research has shown that early exposure to reading contributes significantly to a child’s overall literacy success, and gives them a head start ahead of their peers.

ABC Reading Eggs is designed to teach young children essential early literacy skills in a fun and highly engaging way. The program is developed by a team of Australian primary educators with over 30 years’ experience, and is built upon recognised learning principles and solid scientific research on how children most effectively learn.
With a comprehensive range of self-paced and interactive reading lessons, ABC Reading Eggs lets children build their literacy skills in a safe and highly supportive online learning environment. The program features fun characters, catchy music and an exciting rewards system to enhance children’s motivation throughout the program and sustain their interest over a long period of time.

Parents have the ability to track their child’s progress with an integrated reporting feature, check their estimated reading age, and choose to have their child repeat lessons if necessary to reinforce key concepts.
The program focuses on a core reading curriculum of skills and strategies essential for sustained reading success, instructing children in the five areas crucial to literacy development – phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

So what are you waiting for? Redeem your exclusive 4 week free trial offer today by signing up at <HERE> www.readingeggs.com.au/kids and see how your child’s reading improves with ABC Reading Eggs.
A huge thank you to ABC Reading Eggs for sharing this wonderful opportunity with our readers!
This is post is sponsored by ABC Reading Eggs