Digging For Dinosaur Fossils Sensory Bin: I previously shared an activity here on How to make Dinosaur Fossils? This is how we played with them!
We simply painted white circles onto the back of the dinosaur fossils and with a black permanent marker pen drew on uppercase and lowercase letter d.
The idea of the of the Digging for Dinosaur Fossils Sensory Bin is to search through the sand to find and sort the dinosaur figurines, dinosaur fossils with lowercase letter d and uppercase letter D into the matching baskets. It is a great opportunity to expose children to the letter D, and talk about words that begin with this letter sound.
The activity also became a bit like a puzzle, where Miss 4 was matching the dinosaurs figurines to the imprints in the fossils.
What you will need?

Our Dinosaur Dig Sensory Bin was inspired from reading the story Dinosaur Dig by Penny Dale.
You will need a plastic tub, clean sand, dinosaur figurines and dinosaur fossils. Find out how to make your own dinosaur fossils here.
Click here to find out How to make Dinosaur Fossils? On the back of the dinosaur fossils we painted on white circles and with a black marker permanent marker pen drew on uppercase and lowercase letters D and d.
Let’s Play

Some Ideas:
- Search through the sand to find and sort the dinosaur figurines, dinosaur fossils with lowercase letter d and uppercase letter D into the matching baskets.
- Matching Dinosaur Prints: The dinosaur figurines we used to make the dinosaur fossils imprints were also included in the dinosaur Dig Sensory Bin. This was a great opportunity to find the matching dinosaur that made the imprint on the fossil. It was a bit like matching puzzle pieces.
Let’s Learn

Learning Opportunities
- Concentration
- Letter recognition
- Oral language development – hearing the sound and saying it out loud.
- Development of fine motor skills
- Eye & hand coordination – watching and doing and coordinating these actions.
- Sensory- Development of the sense of touch. Feeling and manipulating objects.
- Learning alphabet letter names and letter sounds.

Click here for more SENSORY activities & play ideas
Click here for more DINOSAUR activities & play ideas