The Best Play Dough Recipe- I have tried several play dough recipes over the years but this one would have to be my favourite of them all. It always turns out a nice smooth consistency, not sticky and not too dry. I have also found this play dough recipe keeps for longer periods.
This play dough recipe is also a great base recipe that you can change slightly if you would like to add texture or scent to the play dough for a different theme or topic.
Take a look at our other play dough recipes that have been made based on this basic play dough recipe. There are over 30 different play dough recipes, such as Space Play Dough, The Rainbow Fish Play Dough, Candy Cane Scented Play Dough for Christmas, Chocolate Play Dough for Easter, Spring and Autumn Play Dough and so much more!
What you will need?

1 cup plain flour
1 tbsp. oil
1 cup water
½ cup salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
2 tsp food colouring
- Double the recipe for larger groups (4 or more children).
- If you do not like cooking play dough on the stove, you can replace the cold water with hot water and stir until it forms a smooth ball of play dough.

- Pour all dry ingredients together in a saucepan.
- Add oil.
Step 2:

- Combine food colouring to water.
- All coloured water to dry ingredients.
Step 3:

- Use a whisk before heating to remove any lumps and blends all the ingredients.
Step 4:

- Cook over medium heat constantly stirring until it becomes a thick blob. This part is really hard work!
- Turn play dough out onto a clean surface and knead into a smooth blob. Be very careful it is very hot!
- When cool, store in a zip lock bag or air tight container to keep it from drying out.

Click here for more PLAY DOUGH RECIPES
Click here for some PLAY DOUGH Activities and Play Ideas
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