Printable Counting Raindrops Game – Kids love games and learn so many important skills through playing them. Counting Raindrops Game Boards and Play Dough Mats are great for maths centres, working independently or within small groups of 2 to 4 players.
The Counting Raindrops Printable Maths Games and Activities are a great addition to any early childhood environment and numeracy program. They provide an opportunity for children to count numbers 1-20, number recognition, subitising and basic addition skills while having fun.
Children will love the fun Number Characters and Multi-cultural children. Laminate for durability and reusable resource and can be used with play dough and dice games.
Game 1:

You will need 2 to 4 players, page 13 – 16 (count to 10) or pages 17-21 (count to 20), dice and blue glass gem stones. You may wish to use play dough or other tokens such as pompoms, sequins or buttons. Children may also play this game independently.
Subitising and Counting 1 to 10

The objective of Counting and Subitising Game is to roll the dice until all the raindrops are covered with gemstones.
Children take it in turns to roll the dice and the number shown on the dice is the number of gemstones they count and place onto the raindrops template. When all the raindrops are covered, play again.
The image above shows the Counting Numbers 1 – 10 templates and using one dice. There are only 10 raindrops on the template. Please see below for the template consisting of 20 raindrops for counting numbers 1 – 20.
Counting and Basic Addition 1 to 20

As children develop, we also have Counting Raindrops Templates for Numbers 1 -20. For these mats, I have introduced two dice to encourage basic addition.
We used dotted dice and also numbered dice to encourage subitising skills and number recognition.

The Counting Raindrops Game Template can also be used with play dough, encouraging fine motor development while children roll small balls of play dough to create the raindrops.
Counting Raindrops Play Dough Mats

The objective of the Counting Raindrops Play dough Mats is for children to read the number underneath the umbrella and place that number of play dough balls as raindrops above the umbrella to match the number.

You may wish to use play dough or other tokens such as pompoms, sequins or buttons. The image above we have used small blue gemstones.

The fun number characters and brightly coloured play dough mats make these numeracy games motivating and fun. They match other printables I have made here on Learning 4 Kids such as our Dot-to-Dot Number Rhyme Charts.

The Counting Raindrops Printable Templates are available in our online shop. They come in two different fonts, STANDARD AND CURSIVE Print.
This package consists of:
- Page 2: Tips and Ideas on how the use the Counting Raindrops Templates
- Page 3-12: 10x Counting Raindrops Play Dough Mats or Counting Templates. Numbers 1 -10.
- Page 13-16: 4x Counting Raindrops Game Mats. Counting numbers 1-10.
- Page 17-21: 4x Counting Raindrops Game Mats. Counting numbers 1-20.
Available in 2 Fonts

Counting Raindrops Printable Maths Games and Activities (CURSIVE PRINT)
Counting Raindrops Printable Maths Games and Activities (STANDARD PRINT)