Looking for something a little different to standard play dough? No Cook Sandy Play Dough Recipe.
Not that anything is wrong with standard play dough, we absolutely love it at our place but it is always nice to have something a little different, something textured to change things up a bit and keep sensory play dough experiences fun, interesting and motivating.
This Sandy Play Dough Recipe is flecked with colour and texture from the sand and children and they will enjoy the tactile experience.
What you will need?

2 Cups Clean Sand
1 ½ Cups Flour
½ Cup Salt
2 Tablespoons Oil
1 Cup of water
Food Colouring (optional)

- Combine the sand, flour and oil into a large mixing bowl.

- Mix the water and food colouring together in a cup.
- Add the water gradually and knead with hands until the mixture forms a ball and a play dough consistency.
If the mixture is too dry, gradually add water until it reaches a nice consistency. If the mixture is too watery, gradually add more flour.

I love how the green has come out bright but the sand gives the play dough darker a fleck of texture. We plan to use our Green Sandy Play Dough to create Green Sandy Play Dough SHAPE MONSTERS. Take a look here!!
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