Last week we were playing and learning with the colour YELLOW through a number of activities.
As part of our Learning Colours Series here on learning4kids, we have been exploring and playing with the colour yellow with water balloons, marble paintings, fine motor games with pompoms and a homemade music shaker!
By completing all these activities we are not only learning about the colour yellow but we are also exercising and developing many other important skills.
If you have only just joined our Learning Colours Series here on learning4kids and would like to find out more, click here
Having some sensory fun and learning the colour yellow in the bath with yellow water balloons and yellow bath water. The excitement and joy of this activity is priceless! To add colour to the water, you do not need a lot of food colour, I basically just ran the lid from the food colouring bottle under the running tap and this seems to be enough to give the water a pale colour of yellow. I also threw in a couple yellow bottle tops to see what creative and fun things Miss 23 months would come up with. She had so much fun squeezing and squishing the water balloons and making them into different shapes. Giggling as the water splashed as she dropped them into the bath water.
Shake, shake, shake!! Listening to music and playing with our Yellow Music Shaker is a great way to learn about the colour yellow. It is so super simple to make! Miss 23months helped with making our Yellow Music Shaker which involved placing ¼ cup of rice and yellow food colouring into a screw lid container and giving it a really good shake to cover and coat all the rice. We use a screw lid when colouring our rice because it is more secure and less likely to come off when shaking. Then we place the yellow rice between 2 sheets of paper towels to press it dry and put the rice into a glass jar. We decorated the jar with more yellow items, yellow stickers and yellow ribbon.
We downloaded some yellow themed songs off YouTube, the Yellow Submarine and Follow the Yellow Brick Road from the Wizard of Oz. Miss 23months danced and shook her Yellow Music Shaker for ages, constantly asking for more! Such as fun way to learn the colour yellow!
I thought we would get crafty with the colour yellow and make some Yellow Sunflowers and Buzzing Bees using yellow paint and marbles.
I printed off the Sunflower and Buzzing Bee pictures and place them into a cooking tray. We then squirted some yellow paint into the tray and some marbles. Holding the tray on both sides Miss 23 months shook the tray from side to side causing the marbles to roll into the paint and over the picture colouring it with a yellow effect. When the paintings were dry, we cut them out and stuck them up in our reading corner in our play room. I also cut up some green paper strips for stems and leaves creating a little yellow sunflower garden for the kids to enjoy in their reading corner.
Download and print your own pictures for this activity here:
Pom poms, egg cartons and mini tongs is a fun hands-on activity that will encourage learning the colour yellow and exercising those little fine motor muscles and hand-eye coordination at the same time! We were lucky enough to have a yellow egg carton which fitted perfectly with our yellow theme. If you do not have a yellow egg carton you could always paint your own and involve your child, making it another activity as part of the learning the colour yellow. The aim of the activity is to pick up the different sized yellow pompoms witht he mini tongs and collect them into the egg carton.
- Wear YELLOW for a day: Dress your child and/or yourself wearing the colour yellow for the day.
- YELLOW Discovery Box: Go on a ‘yellow treasure hunt’ around the house with a box and fill it with as many blue things as you can find. You can involve your child or make the discovery box for your child to explore. A box filled with so many ‘yellow’ treasures to pull out to touch and feel, smell, listen to, look at and explore.
- Make YELLOW play dough: Make some yellow play dough and provide some yellow props to play with, such as yellow feathers, pop sticks and bottle tops.
- Read books: Choose books that have YELLOW pictures in them and point them out but also mentioning the other colours too. A great colour book that my kiddos love is Colour Me Happy by Shen Roddie and Ben Cort.
- Sing Songs about the colour YELLOW: You can basically take any song and replace some words with the colour yellow. Why not make up your own song or chant with the word yellow?
More Colour Activities <CLICK HERE>
I loved these activities! They are simple and fun for the kids!
What a great range of activities for learning colours! The balloons in the bath would be such great fun ~ my son will love that 🙂
So many great activities, my littlest is 23 months old too and she would love these…. particularly the water balloons, that looks like so much fun.
Love this series! 🙂 How awesome do colour posts look! 🙂 I’ll be using these to teach my 2yo more about colours! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Such a happy colour, yellow! LOVE these ideas!
oooh, what fun. Gosh I just love your little reading corner. It’s just adorable! What a lovely set of activities to promote colour recognition. I very much doubt your kids have any problems identifying colours! haha 🙂 I also must try the water balloons in the bath. Bath time is daddy’s domain but I’ll let him know haha 🙂
Some great ideas! Thanks for sharing!
So many great ideas Janice, have pinned it!
So many great ideas! You’ve reminded me to use up some of the egg cartons lying around, I think we’ll do some fine motor with the tongs today too 🙂
I would add a few lemon slices to the bath, adding some ‘scent’ to the sensory experience!
Oranges for orange, cucumber for green, etc..