Recent Activities
Early Years Fine Motor Colour Activities
I am a big fan of learning centres in classrooms! They are great places for…
Sensory Exploration with Sand
Funnels, tubes, sifts, bottles, scoopers, spoons, bottle tops and SAND! The perfect sensory play recipe…
Cardboard Box Creativity
Cardboard boxes would have to be my most favourite ‘toy’ for children to play with…

Great Place to Play at Home: There are so many wonderful places in the home where children can play imaginatively and creatively. Kids will create imaginary worlds to explore and play using the most inexpensive and simple things you can find right at home. Here are a few ideas for you to try! Read more…..
Kid Car Wash Tunnel: I truly believe that the simplest things bring the most fun! We have been making a homemade Car Wash Tunnel for the kids using simple items you will find around the house. This is such a fantastic activity to do with toddlers, older babies and pre-schoolers to help build up gross motor skills and have lots of fun inside when it is raining outside. Read more……
Jack in the Box: All you need is a box! It involves singing the well-known nursery rhyme Jack in a Box and acting out the words on cue to the song. We use the box as a creative prop and make the activity fun! Read more……
Sensory Play with Jelly: Playing with Jelly is a sensory activity for kids to explore through their senses the many wonderful textures and qualities of jelly. Yummy too! Read more…….
How to Help Children Develop a Love for Reading? Developing a love for books in the early years will set your child up for reading readiness and help lay the basis for your child’s success inside, outside and beyond school.
Parents can encourage their children to read and develop a love of reading in many ways. Read more…..
Pipe Cleaner Maze: This is a wonderful fine motor actitivity exploring and playing with the pipe cleaners, beads and Styrofoam. Read more……
Sensory Bath Play: Bottle Tops & Bubbles: It is a simple unstructured and fun sensory play idea using water, bubbles and bottle tops. It was wonderful to see the creativity, imagination and fun happen just by adding bottle tops and bubble bath to the tub. Read more……
The Nursery Rhymes Box : The Nursery Rhyme Box is an activity developed to encourage and promote oral language development in young children. It is essentially a box filled with a number of props that will trigger a nursery rhyme song, such as a stuffed toy cow may trigger the nursery rhyme ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ or ‘Old Mac Donald had a Farm’ because these nursery rhymes have a cow in their lyrics. Read more…..
Ice Boats: Water and ice are great for sensory play with kids as it engages children into a world of exploration and wonder. To make our water and ice sensory play experience a little more fun we turned the ice blocks into boats with a few simple materials. Read more…..
We’re Going on a ‘Teddy’ Bear Hunt: A literacy activity for kids and toddlers to promote oral language development. Bringing the book we’re going on a bear hunt alive by re-creating the scenes for kids to move through and explore. Read more…..
Back Yard Water Park: Ideas and inspiration for setting up a back yard water park. There are some great ideas here that a re suitable for this age group. Read more…..
Strawberry Scented Rice Sensory Table: Exploring and playing with strawberry scented rice with all kinds of scoops, shovels and sifts. Read more…..
Sorting Coloured Pompoms: Using the tweezers to sort the pompoms into colour groups in the separate sections of the egg cartons. Read more…..
Teddy Bears Everywhere: Lately I have been trying to find fun opportunities to help develop and encourage Miss 14 month’s speaking, listening and language skills. One of the best ways I know how is to sing and play with nursery rhymes with her. Read more…..
Sensory Water Balloon Bath Fun: A fun sensory play experience for kids in the bath tub by adding balloons filled with water. Read more…..
Fluffy Snow: Making Fluffy Snow using soap flakes is a fun and messy sensory play activity. It is a great way to incorporate a bit of a Christmas theme, well sort of, here in Australia Christmas is celebrated in summer, far from any snow. But it is fun, encourages lots of learning and that is what it is all about. Read more…..
Sensory Play with Sand: Sand is a toy! The less a toy does the more a child will learn! Sand is such a great sensory toy for kids as they explore their sense of touch and play and discover the wonderful texture of sand! Read more…..
Where is the Green Sheep? Extending the learning from the wonderful book for toddlers written by Mem Fox and making our very own Green Sheep Puppet!! Read more…..
Ice World: Ice World is a sensory activity for toddlers and pre-school children involving playing with ice, water and sea theme props. Read more…..
Tin Can Music Makers: Make some homemade Tin Can Music Makers with your toddler to shaek and play with as they bop along to their favourite songs. Read more…..