Recent Activities
Drawing and Sorting 2D Shapes Activity
I am a big fan of learning centres in classrooms! They are a great place…
Counting Collections Numbers 1-20 Activity
Counting collections provides valuable opportunities for children to practice their oral counting and to develop…
Early Years Fine Motor Colour Activities
I am a big fan of learning centres in classrooms! They are great places for…
Puffy Paint: There is something magical about Puffy Paint and it is a must try for any child or toddler to paint and play with. It is super easy to make with all the ingredients you need right in your pantry and after your child has finished painting, place it in the microwave for the magic to happen…….It is SO much FUN!! Read more……
Jelly Play Dough Critters: Recently I shared a recipe for Jelly Play Dough; this is what we did with it! We created some funny Jelly Play Dough Critters, frogs, owls, funny faces, monsters and a little kitten. The ideas and the imagination are endless. Read more…..
What is Hiding in Our Jelly?: Hiding items inside some jelly for kids to squish and squeeze to find them. Fun sensory activity for finding numbers, alphabet letters and animals hiding in the jelly. Read more……
Create a Spring Play Dough Garden: Here is a great spring theme activity for the kids, creating a Spring Play Dough Garden. The play dough has been scented with a herbal shampoo to smell like flowers and is textured with small coloured flower petals. It is a great activity for kids to explore their creativity and imagination as they create their very own spring garden. Read more…..
Pompom Hockey: Keep the kids entertained with Pompom Hockey. It is a super simple activity you can set up at home for the kids, that is fun, challenging and exciting. It also gets little bodies moving! Read more…..
Back Yard Water Park: We set a range of different theme stations for the kids to play and explore, some were more sensory play based and others were imaginative play based. Altogether we had seven water play stations in our Back Yard Water Park. Read more…..
Counting and Subitising: The aim of this activity to develop the skill of subitising by creating an environment (visual scene) to recognise the number associated with a particular pattern on the dice, with the clusters of circles on the paper and collections/groups of pompoms and tokens made to match that of the dice. Read more…..
Sensory Play with Ice World: Ice World is a sensory activity for toddlers and pre-school children involving playing with ice, water and sea theme props. The amazing thing about sensory play is that it opens the door to so many wonderful learning opportunities such as imaginative play, language exploration, fine motor development for pre-writing skills, coordination, social interactions and so much more. Read more…….
Sorting Colours with Pompoms and Cardboard Rolls: Making learning your colours fun with this interactive game using pompoms and cardboard rolls! It involves sorting and placing coloured pompoms into the matching coloured cardboard roll and catching them in a bowl. It was a great way to reinforce the learning of colours, checking for understanding and having some fun with colours. Read more……
Free Printable Number Tracing Cards: This is a great way for kids to practice writing their numbers!! The Number Tracing Cards are a free printable that can be laminated to allow kids to draw on with a white board marker as it wipes away easily with a tissue. Kids can practice writing their numbers correctly and wipe it away and try again. Read more…..
DIY Skittles & Games: Our Homemade Skittles would have to be one of the most played with toys in our house. My girls are continuously finding new and fun things to do with them. Read more….
Play Dough and Buttons: Setting up an invitation to play with play dough, and buttons to inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..
How to make Gloop? If you haven’t made Gloop yet, then this is a must for any toddler or child to try. It is super fun and super messy, I am not sure who had the most fun, me or the kids!! Gloop is an interesting mixture with a unique texture to explore and play with. Playing with Gloop is a fabulous sensory and science activity to learn about the concepts of what a solid and liquid is. Read more…..
Number Sort: Number sort is a fun, hands on activity to play and learn with numbers. It sets a challenge of searching for specific numbers amongst a jumble of numbers. Read more…..
Homemade Alphabet Sponge Letters: So much fun for the bath…….and learning your alphabet too! A great tactile and hands-on activity for kids to play with while taking a bath. When wet, the sponges stick or suction slightly to the sides of the bath and tiles, making it a great canvas for creating endless ideas. Read more…..
Rainbow Salt Tray: Why would you need crayons, textas, pencils and paper to draw when you can have more fun with a Rainbow Salt Tray! Read more…..
Pasta Play Dough: Let your child’s imagination run wild as they create and explore play dough and pasta. Read more…..
Make Your Own Solid Numbers: Combining science and learning numbers together in the one activities. Read more…..
Nature’s Paint Brushes: With the weather warming up, I have been planning more activities to do with the kids outside and I thought these paint brushes would be perfect for textured painting on a large paper canvas fixed to the fence. Read more….
Alphabet Play Dough: We had so much fun playing with our Alphabet Play Dough! It is a fun activity to help kids learn their alphabet letters and build up their fine motor skills at the same time. This activity involves using play dough to create letters in the alphabet, using the FREE Printable Alphabet Play Dough Mats as a guide. Read more…..
Sensory Play with Jelly: Ooey, gooey, slushy and messy! A fun sensory experience playing with Rainbow Jelly. Read more…..
Name Collage: Making a name collage using pom poms is an activity that will help your child become interested in their name and the letters that make up their name. Read more….
Paint Pops: Making painting fun using frozen paint on a pop stick. Create endless paintings as the paint melts! Read more……
Strawberry Scented Rice: Exploring and playing with strawberry scented rice with all kinds of scoops, shovels and sifts. Read more…..
Washing a Toy Baby: Watching Mum and Dad washing a baby sibling is an example of an experience that children copy and re-enact. Watching and learning from this experience then practising, imitating and experimenting this through imaginary play. Read more…..
Homemade Street Traffic Bath Sponges: This will keep the kids busy while having a bath as well as stimulating their imaginations and developing their storytelling skills. It is a great hands-on sensory play activity that promotes creativity, storytelling and the imagination. The bath tub is a great canvas for creating stories! A free printable too! Read more…..
Straw Flowers: A cute little gift idea! Something so simple, fun and easy to make and you will find all the items you need around the home. Read more…..
Sensory Play Rice and Bottle Tops: Developing fine motor skills through sensory play with rainbow rice and bottle tops that will also inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..
Pipe Cleaner Maze: Exploring and playing with pipe cleaners and beads with the Styrofoam while exercising the fine motor muscles. Read more…..
Play Dough Cupcakes: There is so much fun to be had creating pretend cupcakes as kids have the freedom to explore the imaginary world. This is a great activity to introduce and sing the Pat-a-Cake nursery rhyme. Read more……
We’re Going On a Teddy Bear Hunt: We have a gorgeous book which comes with a CD that tells the story of the adventure of going on a bear hunt. My kids have played this CD over many times as I watch them pretend to walk through long, wavy grass and run away from a bear. So I thought I would bring this story to life some more by creating the different scenes in the book. Read more…..
Pillow Case Hoppers: this wonderful activity reminded me of how the simple things can bring so much fun, while being active. This game is an oldie but a goodie replacing the hessian sacks with a pillow case……simple hours of fun! Read more…..
Soapy Slime FUN: This activity was FUN, REALLY FUN!! Kids love to get messy, it comes with being a kid as they explore their natural curiosity about the world around them. Read more…..
Paint Me: Paint Me is a cute and quirky activity that kids will enjoy making! I plan to use ours as keep sake to giggle at in years to come. It is a perfect snap shot of the size of your kids hands and feet to compare with when they get older. Read more…..
Play Dough and Cardboard Tubes: “Rolling play dough balls down a cardboard tube ramp!” Lots of fun with play dough. Read more…..
Colourful Pattern Collage: These Colourful Pattern Easter Eggs are a bright and colourful activity for the kids to do this Easter. They are super simple to make, don’t require a lot of materials and are lots of fun! Read more…..
Alphabet Hide & Seek: My kids get very excited when we play this game. The challenge and anticipation of searching for something brings so much fun to learning your alphabet letters! The Hide and Seek Letter Hunt involves hiding the letter pairs around the house and your child goes around finding them. Free printable. Read more…..
Great Places to Play at Home: There are so many wonderful places in the home where children can play imaginatively, creatively and get active indoors. Kids will create imaginary worlds to explore and play using the most inexpensive and simple things you can find right at home. Here are a few ideas for you to try! Read more…..
Indoor Camping: It’s raining, it’s pouring…..and we have been stuck inside a fair bit lately with the weather.
To entertain the kids and give them something to do we set up an indoor camping trip to beat the boredom and promote imaginative play. Here are a few ideas for setting up your own Indoor Campsite. Read more…..
Pompoms and Mini Tongs: In the early years, we often hear discussions about the importance of fine motor and gross motor development in kids. Here is a great activity that is fun and exercises those little muscles to develop strength! Read more…..
Bottle Top Leaf Boats: What I love about winter is that there are lots of puddles to play in. Recently after days of rain and being stuck inside, we put our rain coats and gum boots on for a splash about in the puddles. Read more….
Imaginative Play Baby Care Corner: Encourage imaginative play by setting up a Babies Care Corner. This would be a fabulous imaginative play area to set up for families who are expecting or have a new baby and for children who have a younger sibling. Read more…..
Making Honeycomb, Exploring Bi-Carbonate Soda: After making our Homemade Volcano and watching the excitement on my kids’ faces as the vinegar and bicarbonate soda reacted together, I thought I would extend the fun, fizzing and frothing into the kitchen by making some simple homemade honeycomb. Read more…..
Number Cookies: An irresistibly yummy numeracy activity for kids! So much learning happens when we cook with our kids. The social interactions, processing information, following directions, problem solving and coordination. Read more…..
Bottle Tops & Bubbles: A simple unstructured and fun sensory play idea using water, bubbles and bottle tops. It was wonderful to see the creativity, imagination and fun happen just by adding bottle tops and bubble bath to the tub.
The Nursery Rhymes Box : The Nursery Rhyme Box is an activity developed to encourage and promote oral language development in young children. It is essentially a box filled with a number of props that will trigger a nursery rhyme song, such as a stuffed toy cow may trigger the nursery rhyme ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ or ‘Old Mac Donald had a Farm’ because these nursery rhymes have a cow in their lyrics. Read more…..
Blackberry Finger Painting: An activity inspired by reading the children’s book Mr McGee and the Blackberry Jam by Pamela Allen. It had been a while since we have pulled out the paints so I thought we would get them out to do a little finger painting and incorporate it with our theme of blackberries. We made some blackberries using purple and black paint and our fingers. It is always so much fun painting with our fingers! Read more…..
Colourful Cellophane Sticky Art: Cellophane Sticky Art is a great activity to introduce kids to colours!! I believe it is never too early to start learning about concepts such as colour and that through setting up opportunities to play and learn will begin the journey of developing an understanding. Read more…..
Play Dough – Bottle Tops and Straws:It is always fun to watch and see what kids will come up with when you give them simple props to promote play in an open-ended and unstructured way.
Here I have set up our activity table with play dough, bottle tops and straws to inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more….
How to make a Homemade Volcano? Watching a homemade volcano erupt is a very exciting experience for young children as they watch and learn about the amazing power of these geological formations.
Making your own homemade volcano is really simple and requires basic material that you can find around the home. Read more…..
Paper Plate Rainbow: Using simple craft materials to create a Paper Plate Rainbow! Kids will enjoy swishing the rainbow through the air while listening to their favourite rainbow songs. Read more…..
Imaginary World of Felt: Felt is a sensory toy, brightly coloured, hands on playing, creative and great for storytelling. It brings so much imagination and learning to play times. Read more…..
Water Balloons: A fun sensory play experience for kids in the bath tub by adding balloons filled with water. Read more…..
Autumn Play Dough Leaf Prints:We have been celebrating the new season and the changes in the colours of leaves with making leaf prints and patterns using real leaves in a Nutmeg Scented Autumn Play Dough. The play dough is lightly scented with spicy nutmeg and cinnamon, with brown colouring and red and gold glitter bringing together all the wonderful elements of autumn. Read more…..
Number Play Dough: We had so much fun making numbers with our Orange Scented Play Dough. It is a fun activity to introduce or reinforce learning about numbers for kids and develop an understanding of ‘how many’ to make a number. Free printable number play dough mats. Read more…..
Imaginative Play Wet Washing: Imaginative play washing line is so simple to put together but yet so effective for kids to pretend, engage and make sense of their world. Practising and experimenting with the various skills they will take into adulthood. Read more…..
Bubble Wrap Painting: Kids never get bored with bubble wrap, there is so much fun to be had and so much to explore with it. One of these things to explore is the interesting patterns and shapes it creates with paint. Here we have incorporated bubble wrap painting with a Valentine’s Day theme using cut out heart shapes with bubble wrap. Read more…….
Sensory Play with Sand: Sand is a toy! The less a toy does the more a child will learn! Sand is such a great sensory toy for kids as they explore their sense of touch and play and discover the wonderful texture of sand! Read more…..
Painting with Homemade Number Stamps: These Homemade Number Stamps will make learning your numbers FUN for kids as they can make endless paintings of numbers prints and sing-a-long as they learn and play! The Number Stamps are low cost, require very little materials and are super easy to make! Read more…..
Homemade Guitar: An empty shoe box + elastic bands + a cardboard tube = Homemade Guitar and endless hours of fun! These guitars are such a simple homemade instrument to make and will bring so much fun to kids play times! Read more…..
Let’s Make a Play Dough Cake: Kids love birthdays, blowing out candles and cake! Why not incorporate all these wonderful things with oral language development, strengthening fine motor skills, developing numeracy concepts and most importantly FUN! This activity involves making a play dough cake, adding candles and singing one of my favourite children’s song; 10 Little Candles. Read more…..
Imaginative Play Vet Hospital: Imaginative play would have to be one of my most favourite kinds of play. Today I am sharing with you our imaginative play Vet Hospital and some simple ideas for setting one up in your home to encourage this play. Read more…..
How to make Hanging Crystals?: Stalactites and stalagmites are formed in caves by water dripping or flowing from fractures on the roof of the cave. To try and imitate this we set up an experiment to grow salt crystals hanging from a string of wool. Read more…..
Invitation to Play with Paint & Sponges: Setting up an invitation to play with paint and cut up sponge pieces. It is always interesting to see the difference each child thinks creatively as they explore the paint and sponge pieces. Read more…..
Rainbow Collage: Adding a little bit of this and a little bit of that to create a rainbow collage! Read more…..
Chocolate Play Dough: This Chocolate Play Dough really looks and smells just like the real thing! YUM!! This play dough is great for an Easter Theme Activity! Read more…..
Sorting Buttons: Buttons are amazing as there are so many different shapes, sizes, colours, materials and styles. Kids love to run their hands through buttons, sort through them and explore the differences. Buttons are a great sensory toy and are also great to assist in learning about colours. Read more…..
Ice Boats: Water and ice are great for sensory play with kids as it engages children into a world of exploration and wonder. To make our water and ice sensory play experience a little more fun we turned the ice blocks into boats with a few simple materials. Read more…..
Marble Painting: Create some fun masterpieces with paint and marbles. Rolling marbles through paint on top of a sheet of paper creates some fun and interesting patterns. Read more……
Where is the Green Sheep? Extending the learning from the wonderful book for toddlers written by Mem Fox and making our very own Green Sheep Puppet!! Read more…..
Tin Can Music Makers: Make some homemade Tin Can Music Makers with your toddler to shake and play with as they bop along to their favourite songs. Read more…..
Imaginative Play Ice Cream Shop: The fun and joy of exploring the imaginary world of an ice cream shop.
Today I am sharing some ideas for setting up an imaginative play ice cream shop. My girls had so much fun with this (and Dad) and took part in adding their own ideas of what they thought an Ice Cream Shop should have. Read more…..
Giant Drawing: A giant drawing is an over sized piece of paper that is stuck down using sticky tape. Over a period of days the drawing grows and develops, sometimes a bit of a theme or story grows with it. Read more…..
Coloured Felt Ice Creams: This is such a fun hands on activity for kids to promote the learning of colours while playing creatively and making felt ice creams. This activity involves kids to creatively stack coloured felt ice cream on top of felt cones and then label the colours with Velcro cards. Read on to find out more and print your own! Read more…..
Little Toilet Roll People: Making these little characters is so much fun as they can be brought to life in imaginative play games. They are so simple to make and are made out recycled materials that you will find around the home. Read more…..
Sock Puppet: Creating a character or a new friend out of a sock brings hours of fun for kids. It’s fun for kids to make their own sock puppet and then the enjoyment of bringing it to life in their imaginative games. Read more…..
Sorting Coloured Bottle Tops: Sorting bottle tops into groups according to colour using paper plates to group them. Read more…..
Painting with Toy Cars: Rolling toy cars into paint and creating pictures with the patterns transferred from the wheels. Read more…..
Mini Pompom Cupcakes: Mini cupcakes are a simple, colourful and creative craft activity for kids! There are so many fun games and imaginative play times to be had with them. Read more…..
Stand Up Alphabet: The Stand Up Alphabet is one of my favourite activities here on learning4kids! Once you have made your own set, you can use them for a range of literacy activities Read more…..
Counting Octopus: Octopus Counting is a fun and creative way to introduce numbers, learn to count, or for the older kids skip counting. Read more…..

Alphabet Archaeologist: Taking on the role of an archaeologist looking for artifacts and bones in the sand or in this case searching for alphabet letters. It is a great activity to promote the learning of letter names and the sounds that they make. Read more…..
Imaginative Play Baker’s Shop: Imaginative play bakers shop was inspired by our mini cupcakes which we made previously. They make a brilliant prop to encourage the imaginary world in a bakers shop. Read more…..
How to make a Foaming Monster?: Why does it bubble? The reaction between the vinegar and bicarb soda makes carbon dioxide, which causes tiny bubbles to form. Why does it come out its mouth? The dish liquid mixed with the vinegar/bicarb combination causes a reaction that makes the foam pour out of the monster’s mouth. Read more…..
Nice tutorials
Good day very intresting and helpfull
I do this with my girls after school even thought they are older. There is nothing more educational then hands on interactive games. I modify playing for different skills but kids like having fun. I like whey they are happy and they like to learn. It is a win-win situation.
Thanks so much for well written, well explained activities. I do activities with my grandkids in the USA (I am South African however) and love your ideas (and seeing things named as I knew them growing up!!)