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Play Categories

Welcome to our Play Categories here on Learning4kids.

Click on the images to view each play category




Getting kids physically active to support the development of  movement and coordination.  There are lots of activities that can be done inside or outside depending on the weather.   <click here>


Alphabet Play Ideas for Kids

You will find lots of Alphabet Activities here on Learning 4 Kids using a variety of learning tools such as sensory, printables, paint and so much more.  <click here> 

Book Activities:


Book are a great way to introduce children to a new concepts and follow on or extend the learning opportunity from the book.  <click here> 

Bottle Tops:


Bottle Tops are a fabulous learning tool.  We love our bright colourful bottle tops here on learning4kids.  There are tons of fun learning activities you can do with them.  <click here>


Lots of Christmas Activity Ideas for Kids

We have a long list of Christmas Activities here on Learning 4 Kids.  Some are more crafty, others with paint and so much more.  <click here>


Colour or Color Activities

We have a large range of colour activities here on Learning 4 Kids.  You will find rainbow activities, learning opportunities for sorting different colours and also a range of theme colour activities that focus on one colour such a blue, green, red, orange, pink and yellow.  <click here>



Getting all arty and crafty!  We have a variety of art and craft activities here on Learning 4 Kids for children of all ages. <click here>


Activity Ideas using an Easel

Easels are a brilliant learning tool for creating endless play opportunities.  We have many great activities here on Learning 4 Kids that encourage learning through play using an easel.  <click here>


Easter Activities for Kids

Lots of craft ideas and Easter activities to keep kids entertained.  You will find things to make, sensory play opportunities and so much more!<click here>

Fine Motor:

Fine Motor Activities for Kids

You will find that most activities here on learning4kids promote and encourage fine motor development and control but there are few that are focused directly on fine motor skills. <click here>

Free Printables:

Free Printable Activities for Kids

Lots of great activities you can download and print! You will find that our printables here on Learning 4 Kids are not worksheets but are made to be used in conjunction with play opportunities.  <click here>

Learning Trays 


Learning Tray  Activities provide simple, easy to set up learning opportunities that are presented on a tray to invite the natural wonder and curiosity of kids and toddlers to play and learn with. <click here>


Number Activities and Play Ideas

You will find a large variety of learning opportunities for children to explore and learning about numbers.  You will find sensory experiences, paint, printables, play dough and so much more! <click here>


Painting Activities for Kids

Kids love to paint and it is a wonderful tool for learning through play. <click here>

Play Dough

Play Dough Activities and PLay Ideas for Kids and Toddlers

We have a large range of play dough play opportunities here on Learning 4 Kids.  You will find theme play dough such as spring or autumn.  You will also find different textured and scented play dough.   Play dough is a hands-on and sensory tool for learning. <click here>

Play Dough Recipes:

Simple Play Dough Recipe

We have over 20 Play Recipes here on Learning 4 Kids that will arouse the senses.  You will find scented, textured and theme play dough recipes!  <click here>  

Pretend Play:


Children learn from experience: from what happens around them, from what they see, hear, smell, taste and touch.  To absorb those experiences and make sense of the world, they need to be engaged in an imaginary play. <click here>


Sensory Play Ideas and Activities

Fabulous Messy Play ideas for learning – Sensory play encourages children to manipulate and mold materials, building up their fine motor skills and coordination. <click here>


Simple Science Activities for Kids

We love science here on Learning 4 Kids and the learning experience it provides for children.  You will find over 15 science learning opportunities!  <click here>


Shapes Learning Activities

Loads of great activity ideas and learning opportunities to develop an understanding and learn about shapes.  <click here>



Lots of learning experiences for children to discover the world of word and sight words. <click here>

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Picture of Hi and welcome to Learning 4 Kids!

Hi and welcome to Learning 4 Kids!

My name is Janice and I am an Early Childhood Teacher in Australia.

I have a strong passion and love for teaching and creating meaningful learning experiences for my students. What I love most is watching children discover in those amazing light bulb moments. I hope Learning4kids brings you some useful ideas.

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