Recent Activities
Tea Leaves Textured Play Dough Recipe
Tea Leaves Scented Play Dough Recipe is naturally coloured, textured and scented from the addition…
Sight Word Play Dough
Hands-on sight word activities are a motivating way to help children learn how to read…
Fireworks Celebration Play Dough Activity
Fireworks Celebration Play Dough Activity is a super fun, colourful, sparkly and textured play dough….
Our Play Dough Toolbox here on Learning4kids aims at providing a useful box of ideas for playing with play dough all in the one spot!! I aim to keep it simple, easy to set up and fun that promotes learning and development through hands-on playing! SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW A LIST OF PLAY DOUGH ACTIVITIES Find out more about our Play Dough Toolbox (click on the links below)
The Best Play Dough Recipes: We have a collection of play dough recipes here on learning4kids, from a basic play dough to scented play dough and theme play dough for Christmas, Easter, spring and so much more. We are constantly adding to this list of recipes! Read more…..
Green Sandy Play Dough Shape Monsters: Recently we made a new play dough recipe, No Cook Sandy Play Dough. The play dough turned out into some fun, green, speckled and textured play dough which was perfect for creating play dough monsters. Read more…
Minion Play Dough Fun: The Minion Play Dough Fun activity was inspired by the Minions in the movie Despicable Me. Read more…
Create a Number Line 1 to 20: Create a Number Line with Play Dough 1 to 20 is a fun hands-on number awareness activity that involves recognising and organising numerals 1 to 20. Read more…
Homemade Rubbery Goop: Rubbery Goop looks and feels like basic play dough but it is textured differently. It is smooth, soft and slightly stretchy. Read more…
Zig Zag Zebra Play Dough: The Zig Zag Zebra Play Dough Activity with free printable play dough mats was inspired by the book Zed the Zebra by An Vrombaut. Read more…
The Rainbow Fish Play Dough Activity: The Rainbow Fish Play Dough Activity is a great follow on activity to extend the learning and understanding of the story. It creates an opportunity to develop conversations, a story re-tell and develop fine motor skills. Read more…
Printable Number Play Dough Mats: Printable Number Play Dough Mats with tens frames are playful, bright, and colourful with happy friendly number characters. They are so inviting, children will love to get creative with numbers and play dough. Read more…
Printable Alphabet Play Dough Mats: Play dough is tactile, fun and great for all multi-sensory early developmental play. Play dough mats are a great tool to use with your children to work on various learning skills as well as help develop their fine motor skills. Read more…
Play Dough Flower Pots: Play Dough Flower Pots and making a potted garden with play dough is a fun way for children to play creatively and imaginatively. Read more…
Summer Theme Play Dough: I absolutely adore the vibrant and bright colours of this jelly play dough. It is perfect for a Summer Theme Play Dough Invitation to play. The play dough is scented with lime, strawberry and pineapple and when combined create a fruity tropical summer fruit drink. Read more…
Introducing Play Dough to Babies & Toddlers: I have always loved watching little chubby fingers squishing and squashing play dough. I am not really sure what it is that I adore so much but I think it has something to do with the educator in me….that is, I know how GOOD play dough is for young children. Read more…
Insect Prints in Play Dough: Insect Prints in Play Dough is a fun sensory and fine motor activity that children will enjoy making different patterns and fossil-like prints in play dough. Read more…
Play Dough Dinosaur Printing: Play Dough Dinosaur Printing: “Stomp Chomp, Big Roars, Here Come the Dinosaurs!” Read more…
Lavender Play Dough Wooden Tool Set: Lavender Scented Play Dough and Wooden Tool Set is a great activity for kids to explore creatively and imaginatively as they create freely using simple props in an open-ended and unstructured way. Read more…
Space Theme Play Dough: This Space Theme Play Dough Activity opens the window of opportunity for learning and play in so many ways. It provides an invitation for children to explore their senses, creativity, imagination, mathematical concepts such as size and area and also develop their fine motor skills. Read more…
Make a Play Dough Teddy Bear: Make a Play Dough Teddy Bear is an inviting activity for kids to explore their imagination and experiment with the tools provided and make some amazing creations. Free printable teddy bear play dough mat. Read more…
Super Soft Play Dough Fun: Super soft play dough is a wonderfully textured play dough that will invite children to explore their imaginations and play creatively. Children can pretend to be a chief making cookies and cupcakes in a bakery. They are able to experiment with the texture and make some amazing creations. Read more….
Neapolitan Ice Cream Scented Play Dough Fun: Neapolitan Ice Cream Play Dough is a wonderful and fun sensory activity to arouse the imagination and creativity. The Neapolitan Ice Cream Play Dough is scented with chocolate, vanilla and strawberry and smell just like the real Neapolitan ice cream. Children can explore their sense and experiment, pretend and make the most amazing creations with this fun play dough Read more….
Sandy Beach Play Dough: Sandy Beach Play Dough added with other beach theme items is the perfect invitation to play for children as it will arouse their imagination and creativity. Sandy Beach Play Dough is wonderfully textured and imitates what beach sand looks like. Children can explore the sense of touch, experiment with the texture and make the most amazing creations. Read more….
Five Green and Speckled Frogs Play Dough: lots of great play dough activities centred around this popular nursery rhyme song. Come and take a look at how to make your very own green and speckled play dough. Read more….

Learning About Shapes with Play Dough: Play Dough is such a fun learning tool to play with and explore new concepts. With Miss 2 learning about shapes at the moment, I thought it would be fun for her to play and discover shapes using play dough. The ideas and possibilities are endless! Read more…..
Apple Play Dough Maths – Apple Tree Play Dough Maths is a fun activity for encouraging early and basic maths skills using Apple Scented Play Dough and a set of dice. There are a number of ways these materials can be adapted for different age groups and abilities in areas of counting, subitising, numbers and basic addition and subtraction sums. Read more…..

Jelly Play Dough Critters: Recently I shared a recipe for Jelly Play Dough; this is what we did with it! We created some funny Jelly Play Dough Critters, frogs, owls, funny faces, monsters and a little kitten. The ideas and the imagination are endless. Read more…..
Play Dough and Buttons: Setting up an invitation to play with play dough, and buttons to inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..
Play Dough – Bottle Tops and Straws: It is always fun to watch and see what kids will come up with when you give them simple props to promote play in an open-ended and unstructured way. Here I have set up our activity table with play dough, bottle tops and straws to inspire the imagination and creativity. Read more…..
Chocolate Play Dough: This Chocolate Play Dough really looks and smells just like the real thing! YUM!! This play dough is great for an Easter Theme Activity! Read more…..
Play Dough and Cardboard Tubes: “Rolling play dough balls down a cardboard tube ramp!” Lots of fun with play dough. Read more…..
Create a Spring Play Dough Garden: Here is a great spring theme activity for the kids, creating a Spring Play Dough Garden. The play dough has been scented with a herbal shampoo to smell like flowers and is textured with small coloured flower petals. It is a great activity for kids to explore their creativity and imagination as they create their very own spring garden. Read more…..

Autumn Play Dough Leaf Prints: We have been celebrating the new season and the changes in the colours of leaves with making leaf prints and patterns using real leaves in a Nutmeg Scented Autumn Play Dough. The play dough is lightly scented with spicy nutmeg and cinnamon, with brown colouring and red and gold glitter bringing together all the wonderful elements of autumn. Read more…..
Pasta Play dough: Let your child’s imagination run wild as they create and explore play dough and pasta. Read more…..
Valentine’s Play Dough: With Valentine’s Day only a few weeks away, we have been playing and creating with this theme in mind. We made some homemade, bright red play dough with sugar heart sprinkles for some fun, hands-on sensory play dough play. Read more…..
Making Blackberries with Blackberry Play Dough: After exploring fresh blackberries with our five senses, we then went on to create our own blackberries using Blackberry Play Dough. This play dough is delightful and I am really happy with the way it turned out. It imitates blackberries really well with the gorgeous sweet blackberry scent, colour and the small flecks of blackberry seeds throughout. Read more…..
Play Dough Cupcakes: There is so much fun to be had creating pretend cupcakes as kids have the freedom to explore the imaginary world. This is a great activity to introduce and sing the Pat-a-Cake nursery rhyme. Read more……
Let’s Make a Play Dough Cake: Kids love birthdays, blowing out candles and cake! Why not incorporate all these wonderful things with oral language development, strengthening fine motor skills, developing numeracy concepts and most importantly FUN! This activity involves making a play dough cake, adding candles and singing one of my favourite children’s song; 10 Little Candles. Read more…..
Play Dough Snowman: This Christmas activity involves making white glitter play dough, to mimic that of snow and using an assortment of crafts to create your very own Christmas Play dough snowman. The kids will have so much fun moulding their snowman into shape and bringing it to life with buttons and other creative materials. Read more…..
A Very Pink Play Dough Experience: The possibilities and things you can make with play dough are endless!! AS part of our learning the colour pink this week we also set up an invitation to play at our play table with some pink glitter play dough. Read more……